Canine Inspections
Canine Bed Bug Inspection
A canine bed bug inspection, is when you utilize the olfactory (smelling) senses of a trained dog to locate bed bugs. Our inspection begins with comprehensive bed bug information and an explanation of how we will be performing your inspection. We will inspect room by room, the canine smelling for the viable presence of bed bugs and the handler looking for any visual signs. If the dog smells bed bugs and alerts, the handler will inspect and verify and show you what is found. We will be respectful of your property and answer any questions you have along the way. Unlike many companies, we do not ask you to leave your home but rather encourage you to watch, ask questions and learn from the experience.
In the event you do have bed bugs we will work with you. We can explain to you the different kinds of treatment options that companies provide. Knowing what is out there will aid you in picking the correct remediation company for your specific needs. We can provide the inspections and information to assist you.
The Canine Advantage
The best way to prevent bed bug outbreaks and spreading infestations at your facility is by performing routine proactive Canine inspections. Our inspections are highly accrutate, faster and significantly less invasive then visual inspections. Human inspections, even when performed by highly trained professionals can only detect an infestation after taking a room apart piece by piece, Canine inspections leave a room intact. By using their sense of smell a dog can detect bed bugs even if they're hiding inside places that can't be seen without breaking or ripping them to gain access. The human eye cannot see inside a mattress, behind an outlet or anywhere that is not exposed. This makes our inspections significantly more thorough, more efficient and less invasive.
Your Comfort & Privacy Are Important to us
We know having someone come to your home, office or property with a sign that says "BedBugs" can make people nervous and want you to feel as comfortable as possible. We use magnetic signage on our vehicles and can remove them by your request before we arrive. Our staff is unifomed, but we can cover those as well by your request. Professionalism, discrection and your comfort level are very important to us. Our staff is trained to always conduct themselves in a professional and sensitive manner throughout the process, we know how stressful bed bugs are for you.